Take the benefits of eFrexx to the road

Make your road transports cost-effective and efficient

Optimization of truck transport tenders for short-term spot traffic and long-term tenders in contracting

Procurement of freight for road transport regionally, across Europe, or even globally in your custom closed tendering portal for truck transports

Publish your available spot freight and truck tenders in a single application

Invite your carriers into your portal or choose new qualified transport partners from our database

The dynamic bidding process in eFrexx automatically guarantees you the best freight rates

Track the development of bids from your selected road carriers in real-time

eFrexx is a SaaS (Software as a Service) platform – no licensing costs, no installation required on your servers

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Increase the efficiency of your road freight tenders

Road transports still constitute the majority of all shipments, making these tenders the most resource-intensive. Drastically reduce this effort with eFrexx.

Capitalise on the competition among the invited carriers to achieve maximum savings on your trucking freight. Additionally, significantly enhance the entire process of freight procurement for your road transports.

Step 1:

Preparation of the Truck Freight Tender

What is the goal of your truck freight tender? Is it for short-term assignments of available freight? Or, are you looking for long-term contracts through a tender process? With eFrexx, you can leverage both options within a single application.

Can you use historical data? Are there predefined bid structures for freight rates? Are there recurring tenders? Conducting a detailed analysis of your requirements forms the basis for successful tenders.

You can invite your trusted transport partners for trucking or search our database for companies that fit your needs. Our database is a source of other proven carriers who have delivered good results for at least one of our other clients.

Step 2:

Selecting the Best Carriers for Your Road Transports

Step 3:

Optimize Cost Efficiency for Your Transports

The key aspect of optimizing transport tenders is to minimize freight rates, both for short-term spot inquiries and long-term tenders.

As the shipper, you define the bidding structure for all participating carriers. Through the dynamic bidding process, eFrexx automatically negotiates the best freight rate. Throughout this process, you retain control and monitor the pricing in real-time. Upon completion of the tender, you make the decision on who will handle the transport.

Manual communication during tenders can be time-consuming and frustrating. Utilize the comprehensive, automated communication within eFrexx for all stakeholders. Changes, expansions, acceptances, rejections, cancellations, and other relevant events are reported to all process participants without delay.

Step 4:

Automatic, Transparent Communication for Truck Freight Tenders

Step 5:

The digitization of your truck freight tenders enhances your efficiency

Establish standards in bid requirements to your advantage. This makes freight rates immediately comparable, avoiding manual tasks for your staff and significantly shortening the process. Initiate spot tenders in minutes. Ensure an overview of your truck transports down to each individual branch.

Conclusion: Optimizing Your Road Freight Tenders with eFrexx

The optimization of truck freight tenders with eFrexx is a crucial step for shippers to significantly reduce freight costs and logistics process expenses, ultimately enhancing the efficiency of their supply chain.

Contact us – we are here to assist you in your optimization

Moving forward together

At eFrexx, our employees are the key to your logistical success

Mario Chavez

Sales Spain & Mexico

[email protected]
+49 (0) 157 5286 5256

Achim Quaken


[email protected]
+49 (0) 2102 5650 870

Your questions, our answers

The eFrexx FAQ - Everything you need to know

Optimized forms for creating tenders, precise bid structure specifications from your side, and utilization of automatic price negotiation – all features that enhance your benefits and reduce your transport costs.

Unlike freight exchanges or digital freight forwarders, eFrexx prioritizes the benefits for shippers. You decide who can view and participate in your tenders. You have the freedom to choose the awardee for your freight. Let eFrexx handle communication for you. This applies not only to truck tenders but to all transport modes worldwide, around the clock.

Relieve your scarce logistics resources from all manual tasks during the preparation, execution, and evaluation of spot or tender tenders. Optimize the entire process in one go. Make it transparent for management across the entire company – and in real-time. Automate the entire communication in the procurement of transport services.

Yes, absolutely. The savings in freight costs for truck transports are significant, but vary individually from customer to customer. It’s challenging to provide a specific percentage of savings, but the experiences of our customers support this.

Perhaps even more crucial are the savings in the procurement process of transport services. The effort is reduced manifold, alleviating the burden on your logistics staff in favor of strategic activities.

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