Contact us

Please provide your contact details and select the support type from the drop-down menu, specifying how we can assist you.

We will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Our Support Options:

Schedule a Demo Appointment

Would you also like to reduce your freight costs? Schedule a demo appointment directly to learn more.

Contact Experts

Would you like to get in touch with one of our eFrexx experts? Schedule an appointment directly to speak with one of our experts.

Customer Support

Do you have an issue with your portal/login? A member of our support team will promptly get in touch with you.

Kostenlos Registrieren

Erhalten Sie kostenfrei Einblick in unsere Software eFrexx, um sich ein Bild über die Funktionalitäten zu verschaffen.

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Kostenlos Beraten Lassen

Möchten Sie mehr über die Chancen und Möglichkeiten mit eFrexx erfahren? Unsere Experten beraten Sie kompetent, zeitnah und zuverlässig.

* Pflichtfelder