Optimal Performance in Your Air Freight Tendering

Significantly reduce the costs of your air transports with eFrexx

Optimizing Air Freight Tenders - Reduce Your Freight Costs with eFrexx

Global Procurement of Air Freight, 24/7, in Your Custom Closed Transport Tendering Portal

Creation of spot bids and tenders for long-term agreements in the shortest time within a single application

Invite your carriers into your portal or choose new qualified transport partners from our database

The dynamic bidding process in eFrexx automatically guarantees you the best freight rates. Track the progress of bids from your selected air freight transport partners in real-time

eFrexx is a SaaS (Software as a Service) platform – no licensing costs, no installation required on your servers

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eFrexx digitizes freight tenders for your air transports

Companies aim to continuously optimize their air freight tenders, especially in this high-cost segment where savings in freight rates play a crucial role. With eFrexx, you can achieve these savings in your air freight within a short period.

The benefits of an efficient air freight tender are evident. It not only enables significant savings in freight costs for your company but also crucially improves the entire freight procurement process across all modes of transportation.

Utilize the features of eFrexx to help you save time and freight costs, strategically deploy valuable logistics resources, and enhance overall efficiency.

Step 1:

Preparation of the Air Freight Tender

What is the goal of your air freight tender? Short-term freight assignments or long-term allocation of transports? With eFrexx, you get both options in one application. Are there specifications for bids on freight rates? What transport deadlines are crucial for you? Initiate a detailed analysis of your needs as the foundation for a successful tender.

The selection of the right carriers is a crucial step in procuring air transport capacity. You can invite your trusted transport partners or search our database for companies that meet your requirements. All carriers in our database have delivered qualitatively well-rated transports for at least one of our other customers.

Step 2:

Selecting the Best Carriers for Your Air Freight

Step 3:

Harness Cost Efficiency for Your Transports

An essential aspect of optimizing the tendering process for your air transports is maximising cost efficiency for both short-term (spot) and long-term transport tenders (contracting or tender). You set the bid structure. The eFrexx bidding process dynamically negotiates the best freight rate. During the fully automated price negotiation, you have an immediate real-time price comparison.

For the optimization of air freight tenders, efficient communication is a key factor. eFrexx serves as the transparent communication channel with your carriers. All relevant information during the tenders is automatically forwarded to all process participants immediately. This avoids time-consuming queries and forgotten notifications.

Step 4:

Establishing Transparent Communication

Step 5:

Significantly boost the efficiency of your air freight tenders through digitization

No more manual tasks for your staff, standards in bid requirements make freight rates immediately comparable, templates for air freight tenders and data reuse significantly shorten the process for air freights. Utilize data from all branches to gain a comprehensive overview of the transport allocations across the entire company.

Conclusion - Optimizing Your Air Freight Tenders with eFrexx

Optimizing air freight tenders with eFrexx is a crucial step for shippers to significantly reduce freight costs and logistics process expenses, ultimately enhancing the efficiency of their supply chain.

Contact us – we are here to assist you in your optimization

Moving forward together

At eFrexx, our employees are the key to your logistical success

Mario Chavez

Sales Spain & Mexico

[email protected]
+49 (0) 157 5286 5256

Achim Quaken


[email protected]
+49 (0) 2102 5650 870

Your questions, our answers

The eFrexx FAQ - Everything you need to know

Utilize the standardized input forms that assist you in each step. Clearly specify to the carriers the exact format you expect for your air freight bids. This ensures real-time comparability of bids during the tender process.

Start the search for the best freight partners with your trusted carriers. Quickly and conveniently invite your air freight carriers. Additionally, explore our database for carriers that have performed well for at least one of our clients and invite them as well.

In the preparation and execution of spot or tender bids, all manual tasks are eliminated, relieving your logistics staff. The entire process becomes transparent and traceable for you, the shipper. You can review the data company-wide at any time. eFrexx handles communication with all parties fully automatically.

You retain control over the entire tendering process. As the shipper, you determine who gets the contract.

Through the ‘Closed Community’ in the freight tenders between your staff and the invited carriers, you can be confident that no one else can access your data.

You set the structure of the bids, ensuring directly comparable bids without the need for manual rate sheet evaluations. Real-time data across the entire global company is available for analysis at the click of a button. Configurable graphical representations of your KPIs provide you with valuable insights.

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