Searching for Reliable Transport Partners

In addition to your trusted freight forwarders, you'll find other carriers who have performed well for our customers

The eFrexx database of our carriers –
Your source for additional reliable transport capacities

The database of transport service providers in eFrexx grows with each invitation of a carrier

As a customer, you have free access to the database of carriers registered in eFrexx

Filter based on specializations of freight forwarders – by transport mode as well as regionally down to individual destinations

Every registered carrier is a proven provider for at least one eFrexx customer. Each shipper decides on their portfolio of freight forwarders. Weak performance can quickly lead to exclusion

Every transport service provider can showcase their strengths and detailed information about their transportation means for each transport mode in a comprehensive profile

Looking for new providers of transport services?
Don't search any longer in outdated data jungles

Contact us. We will assess your requirements in our database. Book an appointment.

Discover freight forwarders in eFrexx who have already proven their quality

eFrexx doesn’t boast about giant numbers of transport partners. However, what we are proud of is the fact that all freight forwarders registered with us deliver good performance for at least one of our customers.

This is also confirmed by our customers. Specialized carriers for dangerous goods or refrigerated transports are available, as well as experts in Asian traffic or air freight.

With a search and filter function, you can discover new providers alongside your pool of trusted freight forwarders that you have already invited to your portal.

Advantages for Freight Forwarders Too

Since only invited carriers are present in the database, all transport service providers can be confident that they will at least receive all relevant tenders from the eFrexx customer who invited them.

Standard Profile vs. Premium Profile

While the Standard Profile only contains the essential data of a carrier, the Premium Profile allows for a very detailed presentation of a freight forwarder’s skill set. With the Premium Profile, more potential clients among other eFrexx customers can become aware of the service portfolio for transportation.

Already interested?
Book an appointment now for your non-binding initial consultation.

Moving forward together

At eFrexx, our employees are the key to your logistical success

Mario Chavez

Sales Spain & Mexico

[email protected]
+49 (0) 157 5286 5256

Achim Quaken


[email protected]
+49 (0) 2102 5650 870

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